Pahalgam Top 10 Must-Visit Spots

Discover the charm of Pahalgam Top 10 Must-Visit Spots. From Lidder River to Aru Valley, each location offers breathtaking scenery, adventure, and a glimpse into the rich cultural heritage of this picturesque town in the Kashmir Valley.

Pahalgam Top 10 Must-Visit Spots

One word that would perfectly capture Pahalgam’s splendour would be PRISTINE!

One of the most breathtaking locations you will ever see is Pahalgam, which is in Kashmir, a place that is like heaven on earth. Pahalgam, with its picturesque views, glistening rivers, verdant meadows, and towering pine trees, resembles an ideal painting, a masterwork created by the artist known as nature.

Pahalgam has a lot of beautiful places to visit, some more desirable than others. The attractions of Pahalgam will captivate you at any age.

We have listed down the Pahalgam Top 10 Must-Visit Spots, followed by the things to do there.

  1. Betaab Valley
  2. Sheshnag Lake
  3. Aru Village
  4. Avantipur Temple
  5. Panchtarni
  6. Kolahai Glacier
  7. Baisaran Hills
  8. Tulian Lake
  9. Lolab Valley
  10. Mamleshwar Temple

Betaab Valley

Pahalgam Top 10 Must-Visit Spots

The Bollywood film shot in Betab Valley, one of Kashmir’s most picturesque valleys, inspired the name of this stunning locale. You feel both rejuvenated and mesmerized as you stroll through the valley’s verdant meadows, listen to the soothing sound of the rivers flowing by, and take in the sight of the snow-capped mountains.

Sheshnag Lake

Pahalgam Top 10 Must-Visit Spots

You can hear silence roaring like thunder because of the lake’s breathtaking natural beauty. This stunning glacial lake is one of the most visited tourist destinations in Pahalgam because of the surrounding alpine meadows’ many shades of green and its glistening blue waters.

Nestled on the Amarnath route, approximately 23 km from Pahalgam, the lake is sacred to Hindu devotees who think the five-headed serpent God, Sheshnag, resides there.

Aru Village

Pahalgam Top 10 Must-Visit Spots

The serene and breathtakingly gorgeous Aru Village is about a 12-kilometer drive from Pahalgam city. Recognized for its expansive meadows, it’s a great spot to take some time to unwind and reflect in the middle of nature.

Engage in adventure sports like powered paragliding, river-crossing, and zip-lining after a good night’s sleep. The village serves as the starting point for the hike to the magnificent Kolahoi glacier.

Avantipur Temple

Pahalgam Top 10 Must-Visit Spots

One of the most fascinating sites to see in Pahalgam is the historic Avantipur Temple ruins, which are reachable from the Srinagar-Pahalgam highway. king Avantivarman constructed the temple between 855 and 883 AD, and it is revered by the locals as well as pilgrims who travel from all over India to pay their respects and make prayers. it is a well-known tourist destination in Pahalgam. it is amazing to see the remains of the magnificent pillars and the detailed carvings on the sculpture, which attest to the era’s brilliant architecture. you can really awaken your spiritual senses there.


This picturesque location, at the meeting point of five streams in the Anantnag district, roughly 40 km from Pahalgam, serves as the base camp for thousands of visitors and pilgrims who come here to visit the holy Amarnath, a significant Hindu pilgrimage site. make sure to include this on your list of things to do in Pahalgam if you are traveling with family. the Amarnath cave is directly accessible via a short stretch of road that is roughly 6 km long. Here, you can enjoy a daytime picnic or overnight camping while taking in the breathtaking scenery.

Kolahoi Glacier

One of the things to do in Pahalgam is to visit this location. the only access point to the hanging Kolahai Glacier is a trek from Aru village. and when you get to the top, the Glacier’s enticing natural beauty will astound you. this trek is a must-do if you are visiting Pahalgam; it will provide you with the most unforgettable sightseeing experience.

Baisaran Hills

Nestled amidst Pahalgam’s breathtaking landscapes, Baisaran Hills stand out as a prime attraction, attracting numerous tourists. Encircled by dense pine forests, it offers an ideal setting for leisurely family walks and memorable photo sessions. For thrill-seekers, zorbing adds an extra element of adventure and fun to the experience.

Tulian Lake

For the daredevils and those looking for excitement and adventure high up in the mountains, Pahalgam offers this immaculate location. one of the top tourist destinations in Pahalgam is Tulian Lake. situated approximately 12,000 feet above sea level, access to this location requires a strenuous, multi-hour hike through thick pine forests. your perspiration, fatigue, and pain will quickly vanish when you complete the hike and arrive at the top close to the lake. it is among the activities available in Pahalgam.

It can get very cold by the lake, so make sure you pack warm clothing. we’re sure that after spending as much time as possible here, you won’t want to leave!

Lolab Valley

Situated in the Kupwara district, Valley is renowned for its exhilarating hiking paths and cascading waterfalls. a trip there is sure to be remembered because of the captivating natural beauty and the welcoming locals! It’s a great location for self-portraits, nature photography, and peaceful activities in Pahalgam.

Mamleshwar Temple

Built during King Jayasima’s reign, the temple is entirely carved out of stones and is dedicated to Lord Shiva. Embrace the divine aura of Pahalgam by exploring its sacred gems. the golden-covered shrine, a revered place of worship, narrates the tale of Lord Ganesh’s protective intervention in the divine abode, securing Goddess Parvati from Lord Shiva’s entrance. this infuriated the god, who then decapitated little Ganesha.

To take in all that Pahalgam has to offer in terms of stunning scenery, it is recommended that you schedule a trip that lasts at least two or three days. You will never understand the true beauty of nature until you visit this place.

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