Experience the Velas Turtle Festival 2024

Experience the Velas Turtle Festival 2024, a captivating celebration of nature and conservation. Discover all the essential information you need to witness the marvel of Olive Ridley turtles nesting along the shores of Velas beach in Maharashtra, India.

Experience the Velas Turtle Festival 2024

The Velas Turtle Festival is the reason why the normally peaceful and charming town of Velas in Maharashtra’s Konkan area comes alive and buzzes with visitors every March from all across the nation. The Velas Festival is a unique event that takes place every year in March. It is devoted to Olive Ridley Turtles, an unusual and critically endangered species of nature.

Experience the Velas Turtle Festival 2024 in Ratnagiri. The Olive Ridley Turtles use the beach as a nesting location. The area and the festival have grown significantly in prominence over time in the Indian and international ecotourism sectors. Even though more people are visiting to witness this magnificent creature, it is regrettable that the population of these treasure marine species is drastically declining.

About Olive Ridley Sea Turtles 

Experience the Velas Turtle Festival 2024

Among the most amazing animals are the Olive Ridley Sea turtles. These are some fascinating details about them. These turtles can reach a length of three feet and often weigh between fifty and sixty kilograms.

  • Each front limb of an Olive Ridley turtle has a nail that resembles oars.
  • After leaving the nest, the female turtles hatch their eggs by the sea. These turtles use a unique nesting method known as “arribada” to return to the spot where they left the egg when the time for nesting approaches.
  • The hatching process usually takes 45 days to 2 months, during which time the little turtles the size of thumb set out to find their mother in the sea. Witnessing the amazing spectacle of the tiny turtles embarking on their grueling trip is highly recommended!

About Velas Turtle Festival

An NGO (Non-Governmental Organization) called SNM, or Sahyadri Nisarga Mitra, works with the people of Velas hamlet to organize the Velas Turtle Festival every March. The major goal of this event,

which is being organized by an NGO that mostly works for animal welfare, is to raise awareness of the endangered Olive Ridley Turtle and to work toward its conservation in various parts of Maharashtra, such as Sindhudurg and Ratnagiri. You are in for a nice surprise if you believe that the main attractions of Velas, Maharashtra, during

the Turtle Festival are viewing the tiny hatchlings and protecting the turtle eggs. The festival’s major draw is undoubtedly the turtles. However, the visitors can also partake in a variety of other enjoyable activities and sample the regional seafood thanks to the friendly local inhabitants. By erecting food stands along the shore, they extended the festivities into a few days!

Experience the Velas Turtle Festival 2024 from March 15 until the end of the month, if you’re wondering when it’s happening. You and your family may escape the ordinary and have a once-in-a-lifetime adventure at the festival.

Why should you go to the Velas Turtle Festival?

Experience the Velas Turtle Festival 2024

The festival offers a fantastic opportunity to sample Konkan food and learn about their culture. If you don’t eat vegetarianism, you should sample the variety of seafood dishes served at the event. You can enjoy the most authentic Konkani food anywhere else. Don’t worry if you are a strict vegetarian; there will still be many of delicious food alternatives for you to enjoy. Attending this event is also a wonderful chance to teach your kids about these amazing animals

and, more significantly, instill in them a sense of duty to protect wildlife, which is Mother Nature’s priceless gift to humanity. During the festival, a number of turtle experts and NGO representatives plan entertaining and instructive activities for the children. U might discover a few new facts about Olive Ridley Turtles if you take your youngster to these events and seminars.

U get a fantastic opportunity to learn, witness the tight-knit village communities, and experience the modest rural lifestyle when you take your family to the Turtle Festival. You can enjoy a two- or three-day tour and stay in a guesthouse. You can stroll around the village and take in the breathtaking views of the surrounding countryside while on your trip.

Important things to remember while visiting the Velas Turtle Festival

  • Please refrain from touching or attempting to pick up the baby turtles, no matter how adorable or alluring they may appear.
  • At the beach, stay away from any form of light or sound as it could divert the young turtles’ attention away from the sea and make them forget their course.
  • Notify any official of the forest department or members of the organizing committee right away if you come across an injured turtle.
  • Please refrain from using plastic products and don’t litter the Velas beach, as it is a completely no-plastic zone.
  • Barricades may be erected along the beach in specific areas; never attempt to cross or enter these areas as this is where the turtles enter the ocean.
  • Velas Beach has a reputation for being one of the most dangerous beaches in the Konkan region, therefore avoid going for a solo swim there.

Best time to visit Velas Turtle Festival

Olive Ridley Turtle mothers, or females, often begin visiting the coast in early to mid-February and stay until March to deposit their eggs. The female adult turtles return to their nests by mid-March and continue to nest until the end of April since the hatching process takes 45–60 days. February through April is the ideal time of year to visit the Velas Turtle Festival. Mid-March to early April, however, is the busiest travel period. There are a lot of other things you may do in addition to simply viewing the turtles during this period. If you are not a fan of crowds,

you can visit Velas before the end of March or early February to witness the adult females laying eggs. There isn’t much of a rush at this time, so you can take your time taking beautiful shots of the beach and the turtles while also enjoying the opportunity to observe the little hatchlings.

Places to visit nearby Velas Beach

By exploring the surrounding areas, you can make your family’s vacation at Velas Beach one to remember. Some of the well-known locations you ought to go are as follows:

  • Fort Bankot. This lovely fort is well-known for providing a stunning sweeping panorama of the Velas beach. The fort, a popular tourist destination in Ratnagiri, is built completely of lateritic rocks.
  • Krishnardhan. This location is another charming seaside town with beautiful scenery and immaculate beaches.
  • Salutations to Harihareshwar. Harihareshwar Fort is a well-liked hiking destination in Maharashtra. Situated atop a hill, the hike up is a captivating experience that you shouldn’t miss.
  • Kalbhariva and Shri Rameshwar temples. Both temples are significant religious locations in Ratnagiri with a fascinating past that is worth learning about.

Reaching Velas Beach is a rather simple journey. You may simply get to the festival by car, plane, or train from the town, which is near Ratnagiri.

You can go to Dapoli or Mandangad via state transportation bus if you’re traveling from within Maharashtra. To get to Velas, you can take a rickshaw from here. You can travel by car or rail to get to Ratnagiri if you’re traveling from outside of Maharashtra. To get to the event location from here, take a local mode of transportation like a bus or rickshaw.

You can take a train to Ratnagiri and get off in Chiplun from anywhere in India. Velas Beach is closest to this station. You can ride a rickshaw or rent a private car from here to get where you’re going.

Pune International Airport is the closest airport to Velas Beach, situated approximately 200 kilometers distant. Nearly all major Indian cities are easily reached by plane from Pune, and most major airlines have frequent flights to and from Pune. To go to Velas from Pune, you can reserve a cab or take a bus. So, schedule a vacation immediately after learning about the Velas Turtle Festival. Travel to the charming village in Maharashtra’s Konkan region to witness the stunning

and adorable baby turtles making their way toward the ocean. Indeed, do not pass up the opportunity to sample the mango, the fruit that reigns supreme, while you are in Velas. Savor the world-famous Alphonso mangoes from Ratnagiri!

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