The Best Locations to See Penguins

Explore the The Best Locations to See Penguins in Antarctica, South Georgia, and the Falkland Islands. Witness these charming birds in their natural habitats, surrounded by breathtaking landscapes, and create memories that last a lifetime.

The Best Locations to See Penguins

While it is true that all penguin species are found in the Southern Hemisphere, you might be surprised to hear that only six of the 17 species worldwide actually live in Antarctica.

Only two of these, Adelie and Emperor, can be considered true natives of the continent. Hence, if you’re wondering where to find penguins, you might be shocked to hear that the Peninsula and sub-Antarctic islands are home to Gentoo, Chinstrap, Macaroni, and King penguins.

Only a few places are home to these flightless symbols of the avian kingdom during the breeding season, since many penguin species spend the majority of their lives at sea. This list of the penguin hotspots around the world includes a few cold spots as well, so use it if you want to see them!

Boulders Beach, South Africa

The Best Locations to See Penguins

A unique section of coastline, close to the point where the warmer waters of the Indian Ocean meet the chilly currents of the Atlantic, is home to a gregarious colony of monochrome birds known as Jackass penguins.

These African penguins have long flocked to Boulders Beach, not far from the heart of Cape Town, to deposit their eggs in sandpits between the recognizable smooth rock formations. Here, the birds on the beach face a deadly challenge from the scorching sun as they risk dying to shield their clutches from the unrelenting rays.

The Galapagos Islands

The Best Locations to See Penguins

The Galapagos Islands are a unique archipelago that broke off from South America millions of years ago. Many species that live there have evolved apart from the rest of the animal kingdom.

Interactions can be close due to the wildlife’s lack of natural fear of humans in the isolated area, especially with inquisitive species like the small Galapagos penguin, found on Santiago and Bartolomé islands.

Patagonia (Argentina & Chile)

The Best Locations to See Penguins

Magellanic penguins nestle along the Patagonian coast in southern South America, near Chile and Argentina, where they arrive to breed. Magellanic penguins, closely related to African and Galapagos penguins, distinguish themselves with a white border around their black-capped heads and two black bands crossing their chests.

One of the species of penguins that mate for life, they prefer to build their nests beneath bushes and in burrows. The male Magellanic penguin returns to his burrow every year to await the return of his female, who will recognize him only by his call.

New Zealand

Unbeknownst to many, the beaches of the mainland and isolated island shores of New Zealand are home to populations of six distinct species of penguins. For instance, the uncommon and endemic Yellow-eyed penguin, as well as the Fjordland penguins, which inhabit the western fjords of the island, are both visible to visitors to South Island.

Although the blue penguin, the world’s smallest penguin at just 25 cm tall, also inhabits these areas, people rarely see it due to its size, preference for burrow living, and nocturnal habits. Sub-Antarctic islands of New Zealand host three penguin species: Erect-crested, Rockhopper, and Snares-crested.

The Falklands Islands

These windswept South Atlantic islands are most likely the penguins’ next best stronghold, after the White Continent. Not one, but five species of penguins call the Falklands home: the King, Rockhopper, Gentoo, Magellanic, and Macaroni.

Over 100,000 pairs of Gentoo penguins come ashore during the breeding season to raise their young, so during that time you’ll actually find more of them in the Falklands than in Antarctica.


An article on penguins remains incomplete without the inclusion of Antarctica, home to six penguin species. adelie, Chinstrap, Gentoo, and Macaroni penguins navigate rocky beaches, while Emperors huddle in the icy interior, safeguarding their precious cargo amid the harsh elements. travel to South Georgia and take a seat among millions of kings for an entirely royal experience.

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